Team AA

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

True Life: I Always Black Out

Going to Vegas with my fake ID never sounded sweeter than during the Spring Break of my freshman year of college. I had been using a fake ID since I was sixteen years old, but had never had the chance to use it like this! Everything was perfect. We had a free ride and free hotel to Sin City. The first two nights were great, but somehow I ended up babysitting the majority of girls that went with us on our trip. Yet, little did I know the night I had ahead of me during our last night in town. We started drinking at 9am, headed to the pool where we continued drinking and were dying in the sun. While we were at the pool we met some very rich men who invited us to The Palms that evening for one of their birthdays. Of course at this time it sounded like a great idea! Free booze, limo, and rich dudes...can't go wrong there. The pool to dinner and getting ready for the night was all just a blur, but once we got down to the lobby to meet them at the limo, my memory starting sticking. The music was loud and the seating was crammed, but the champagne was flowing and I was happy. Once we got to The Palms, we did not have to wait in any lines and went right to our sky box at Rain. After dancing and pounding tequila shots for about three hours, I decided it was time for me to go back to our hotel- alone. I was smart enough not to walk the very long distance, but instead of just taking a normal cab, I decided it was not safe enough and took a limo back all by myself. $100 later and a great sob story to the driver about how I did not want to pay that much money, I made it back to the hotel restaurant to meet some of the girls that made it back by normal cab. We proceeded to eat a large meal and spend even more money that we didn't have. By 4 AM I had made myself a bed on our hotel room's love seat, but decided not to change out of my dress or heels. At 5:20AM, hotel security knocked on our door, asking us to leave the hotel immediately. Still completely dressed and drunk and spinning, I tried as hard as I could to pack my suitcase and get out of the room. I made it downstairs just in time to go to the bathroom and throw up the entire meal I had just consumed. Then tried to fall asleep on top of my suitcase in the hotel lobby. Security asked me again to leave, so I found our car in the car garage and fell asleep next to our car. Two hours later, my girlfriends found me, and we headed out of Vegas. Not such a great ending to a crazy weekend, but what a great story it has been to tell. Until next time!

Yours truly,
Wasted Wolly


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds like your version of the Hangover!

  3. Wait...why did you get kicked out of the hotel at 5:20 am?!?! That is such a crazy story but I feel like a lot of us can relate....

  4. This story was so good! I'm 22 and still haven't gotten a chance to go to vegas (epic fail) but knowing myself i imagine my night would be very similar to yours
